There are over 60 Linux networking commands you can utilize to do all the system network configurations, some of them are well known and widely used such as ifconfig, ip addr, traceroute, netstat and ping etc.., one command is very useful but relatively few being used, that is nmcli which is used for controlling your network, just like its name network manager and also can do all the thing to configure your network like displaying network device status, create, edit, activate/deactivate and delete network connection.
syntax and options
nmcli command has 2 arguments, one is option and the other one is object.
nmcli [options] object {command | help}
You can quick check help to get the information nmcli -h
OPTIONS -t[erse] terse output -p[retty] pretty output -m[ode] tabular|multiline output mode -c[olors] auto|yes|no whether to use colors in output -f[ields] <field1,field2,…>|all|common specify fields to output -g[et-values] <field1,field2,…>|all|common shortcut for -m tabular -t -f -e[scape] yes|no escape columns separators in values -a[sk] ask for missing parameters -s[how-secrets] allow displaying passwords -w[ait] set timeout waiting for finishing operations -v[ersion] show program version -h[elp] print this help
OBJECT g[eneral] NetworkManager’s general status and operations n[etworking] overall networking control r[adio] NetworkManager radio switches c[onnection] NetworkManager’s connections d[evice] devices managed by NetworkManager a[gent] NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent m[onitor] monitor NetworkManager changes
From command syntax, you can tell
the options can be multiple but object is only one, because nmcli only return information or do configure for one object a time.
the place of options and object can not be switched, must follow option first and object second.
Show network status
nmcli -p general status
nmcli permission
nmcli general permission
Enable and disable network
nmcli networking on | off | connectivity
Radio wifi transmission control
nmcli radio wifi | wwan | all
Show local network connection
nmcli connection show
Show network device status
nmcli device status
Show overall network and device information
nmcli device show
that command will show device, device type, network connection, gateway, route, ip4, ip6, dns
Show wifi connection status
nmcli device wifi list
Configure wifi connections for Ubuntu
By default, Ubuntu wifi connection is disabled, so if you want to use wifi, something need to be done to be able to connect to WAN.