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Blocking Process Monitoring and Auto Email Notification in SQL Server
From function perspective, to maintain a large scale business data warehouse is for making database system stable, robust and fast, which is a essential part to boost business team productivity and performance. However, for business users, the fundamental thing is data, so data can be delivered in high frequency and in time is the cornerstone for all business analysis and BI reporting. Obviously, the primary mandate for data management team is highly monitor ETL jobs to promise data process running well and smooth and never being blocked or corrupt by using process.
In this article, I am going to talk about how to build up a ETL job monitoring system to watch user query automatically in designed frequency. To accomplish this task, we need
Create a view to collect user query in real time
Create a stored procedure to detect blocking in different situations
Create another stored procedure to handle the notification email sending
Create a console script to overall control the workflow
to make clear with those step by a process workflow chart, we can easily to see the logic on behand the scene
Firstly, SQL agent job is going to check blocking transaction every 30 minutes, if there are some user queries blocked ETL job execution service account, then check back database to determine if those transactions are new, if they are new then write into database Blocking_Transaction table and send email notification to data management team to raise awareness; but if those blocking are not new, update last_time and count column in table then calculate if count number reach to 4 if yes, then send email to user and data management team.
Create a view to collect user query in real time
The first and most important thing for us is get the all transaction records against database so that we are able to know which user query transactions would block service account conduct ETL job. We need to utilize sys schema tables or dmv (dynamic management views)
createview dbo.usrQueryMonioring as with t1 as ( select b.spid, c.DBName as [DB_Name] ,a.total_scheduled_time/1000as TotalScheTime_SS ,a.total_scheduled_time/1000/60as TotalScheTime_MM ,a.total_elapsed_time/1000as TotalElapTime_SS ,a.total_elapsed_time/1000/60as TotalElapTime_MM ,a.last_request_start_time ,a.last_request_end_time ,a.login_time ,a.login_name ,a.host_name ,a.program_name ,a.nt_domain ,a.nt_user_name ,a.status ,a.is_user_process ,b.blocked --add blocking query information to quick locate the blocking transactions ,b.cmd, ,b.memusage*8as Memusage_KB ,b.memusage*8/1024as Memusage_MB ,c.Query from master.sys.dm_exec_sessions a join master.sys.sysprocesses b on a.session_id=b.spid and a.login_time=b.login_time crossapply ( select from master.sys.dm_exec_sql_text(b.sql_handle) ) c where a.is_user_process=1--consider spids for user only, no system spids and a.session_id!=@@SPID --don't include request from current spid ), t2 as ( select spid ,DB_Name ,TotalScheTime_SS ,TotalScheTime_MM ,TotalElapTime_SS ,TotalElapTime_MM ,blocked as BlockedBy ,last_request_start_tiem ,last_request_end_time ,login_time ,login_name ,casewhen host_name like'your server name%'then'Server' else'Client'endas'Host Name' ,casewhen program_name like'Microsoft SQL Server Mangement Studio%'then'SQL Query' when program_name like'Python'then'Python Access' else'Server general job or data provider'endas'Program Name' ,nt_domain ,nt_user_name ,status ,case is_user_process when0then'SA System' when1then'User Initiate'endas'Is_User_Process' ,cmd ,Memusage_KB ,Query from t1 ) select * from t2 ; go
Before moving forward, we need a middle table to store all service account blocking transaction records
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
use controlDB; go createtable dbo.blocking_transaction ( TraceID intidentity(1,1) notnull ,spid smallintnotnull ,blokedBy ,login_name nvarchar(128) notnull ,nt_user_name nvarchar(128) null ,TotalElapTime_MM intnotnull ,ps_time datetime notnull ,fr_Time datetime notnull--first record time ,lr_Time datetime notnull--last record time ,counter smallintnotnull ,cmd nchar(16) notnull ,queryvarchar(max) null )
Create a stored procedure to detect blocking in different situations
Next we will apply the main logics to detect service account blocking transactions in terms of different scenarios when we have the query transaction records data. In this time, we need to create a stored procedure to be executed by SQL job.
create proc dbo.usp_blocking_trans (@counter smallintoutput, @rowcnt intoutput) as if OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#blked') isnotnull droptable#blked ; declare @row_cnt int declare @sSQL nvarchar(max) declare @sParam nvarchar(4) begin try with t1 as ( select spid, BlockedBy, login_name, nt_user_name, TotalElapTime_in_MM,last_request_start_time,cmd,query from controlDB.dbo.usrQueryMonioring where BlockedBy!=0and login_name='your service account' ),t2 as ( select spid, BlockedBy, login_name, nt_user_name, TotalElapTime_in_MM,last_request_start_time,cmd,query from t1 except select spid, BlockedBy, login_name, nt_user_name, TotalElapTime_in_MM,last_request_start_time,cmd,query from t1 a join t1 b on a.spid=b.BlockedBy --remove duplicates ),t3 as ( select spid, BlockedBy, login_name, nt_user_name, TotalElapTime_in_MM,last_request_start_time,cmd,query from controlDB.dbo.usrQueryMonioring where spid in (select BlockedBy from t2) -- in operator to hold potential multiple transactions ),t4 as ( select * from t2 unionall select * from t3 ) select * into#blked from t4 /*return 1 if no record in temp table*/ ifnotexists(select * from#blked) begin print 'no record in temp table' return1 end /*check for incremental load*/ else select @row_cnt=count(a.spid) from#blked a left join controlDB.dbo.blocking_transaction b on a.spid=b.spid and a.last_request_start_time=b.ps_time where b.spid isnulland b.ps_time isnull ; if @row_cnt>=1 begin set @sSQL=N' insert into dbo.blocking_transaction select a.spid,a.BlockedBy,a.login_name,a.nt_user_name, a.TotalElapTime_MM,a.last_request_start_time,getdate(),getdate(),1,a.cmd,a.query from #blked a ' exec sp_executesql @sSQL select @rowcnt=@@ROWCOUNT --output number of row inserted return2 end /*update the old records on last_record_time and count if counter>=3*/ else select top(1) @counter = counter from controlDB.dbo.blocking_transaction orderby lr_time desc ; update a set lr_time=getdate(),counter=@counter+1 from blocking_transaction a innerjoin#blked b on a.spid=b.spid and a.ps_time=b.last_reqeust_start_time ; if (select top(1) counter from blocking _transaction orderby lr_time desc)%4 = 0 return3 else return4 droptable#blked begin catch declare @err_msg nvarchar(1000),@err_num int,@err_line int,@syserr nvarchar(1000) select @err_msg=ERROR_MESSAGE(),@err_num=ERROR_NUMBER(),@err_line=ERROR_LINE() SET @syserr=N'usp_blocking_trans ended with error: Line='+convert(nvarchar(3),@err_line)+', Error_Msg='+@err_msg+'' return-1 end catch end
Create another stored procedure to handle the notification email sending
Sending email to raise awareness is another important task for the entire monitoring system, in this case there are two server levels, if user query blocking time less than 4 (4*30=120 mins) only email to data management team, otherwise, email to both data management team and user to cancel the transaction. If user ignores then data management team would do something to clear the lock by policy.
we use parameters output from stored procedure usp_blocking_trans as input to be the key conditions
use controlDB; go createprocedure dbo.usp_blocking_Email ( @casesmallint, @times smallint, @rownumint--handle multiple blocking case ) as begin try declare @resultint declare @runtime nvarchar(20) declare @subject nvarchar(500) declare @sSQL nvarchar(200) declare @sParam nvarchar(100) declare @spid nvarchar(4) declare @bodynvarchar(max) declare @counter int
set @runtime=convert(nvarchar,GETDATE()) set @sSQL=N'select top 1 @bID=blockedBy from controlDB.dbo.blocking_transaction where nt_user_name=''your service account'' and blockedBy!=0 by tranceID desc' set @sParam=N'@bID nvarchar(4) output' exec sp_executesql @sSQL, @sParam, @bId=spid output set @subject=N'Warning: ETL job being blocked on '+@runtime+N'by SPID'+@spid+N', check it out!'
if @case=2 set @body=N' <p style="color:#000000;font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 18px"> Hi Team,<br /><br /></p> <p style="color:#000000;font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 18px"> A job is now being blocked by a user process with <font color="#FF5733"> <b>SPIS='+@spid+'</b></font><br /><br /> Please check [controlDB].dbo.[blocking_transaction] table.<br /><br /></i> <font size="4">More details information shown on below</font><br /><br /> Thanks and Best Regards,<br /><br /> </p>'+ N' <style> th { background: #33FFBD height: 30px; } table,th,td { border: 2px solid green; } table { width: 80%; color: black; text-align: center; } </style>'+ N'<h2><center><font color="red">ETL Job Info for Blocking</font></center></h2>'+ N'<table align="center">' + N'<tr>'+ N'<th>SPID</th><th>BLkdBY</th>' + N'<th>User Name</th>' + N'<th>Elapse Time in MM</th><th>Process Run Time</th>' + N'<th>First Record Time</th><th>Last Record Time</th>' + N'<th>Counter</th><th>CMD</th>' + N'</tr>' + cast(( select top (@rownum) td=[spid],'' ,td=[blockedBy],'' ,td=[nt_user_name],'' ,td=[TotalElapTime_in_MM],'' ,td=[ps_time],'' ,td=[fr_time],'' ,td=[lr_time],'' ,td=[counter],'' ,td=[cmd],'' from controlDB.dbo.blocking_transaction orderby TranceID desc FORXMLPATH('tr'), TYPE ) asnvarchar(max)) + N'</table>' + N'<p><br /></p>' + N'your team name' ; else if @case=3 set @body=N' <p><br /></p> <p style="color:#000000;font-family: Georgia; font-size: 18px; line-height: 18px">Hi Team,<br /><br /></p> A ETL job is now still being blocked by a user process with spid='+@spdi+' for more than '+@times+' checks adn '+@times*30+' minutes check previous email or controlDB.dbo.blocking_transaction table for more details! <br /><br /> your team name ' execute @result=msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name=N'your SMTP profile name', @recipients = N';', @copy_recipients = N'', @subject = @subject, @body = @body, @body_format='HTML' ; return 0 end try end
Create a console script to overall control the workflow
at the last step, we need a control script put all above stored procedure together to be able to schedule SQL Agent job.
declare @result_status smallint declare @counter smallint declare @rowcnt int
exec @result_status=usp_blocking_trans @counter=@counter output, @rowcnt=@rowcnt output if @result_status=1 begin print('no blocking process') return end else if @result_status=4 begin print('no new blocking process') return end else begin set @counter=@counter+1 exec usp_blocked_Email @case=@result_status, @times=@counter, @rownum=rowcnt