Linux Network Management Tool nmcli

Linux Network Management Tool nmcli

There are over 60 Linux networking commands you can utilize to do all the system network configurations, some of them are well known and widely used such as ifconfig, ip addr, traceroute, netstat and ping etc.., one command is very useful but relatively few being used, that is nmcli which is used for controlling your network, just like its name network manager and also can do all the thing to configure your network like displaying network device status, create, edit, activate/deactivate and delete network connection.

syntax and options

nmcli command has 2 arguments, one is option and the other one is object.

nmcli [options] object {command | help}
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Linux network auto boot and restart

Linux network auto boot and restart

Centos 7 network is disabled by default after installation and initialization, which causes network connection can not be made until you manually turn on it


That is such annoying when you usually use SSH tool remote connect to centos workstation or server, so it’s quite necessary to turn on the network automatically every time reboot machine or VM. To accomplish that, we need to modify the network configuration file.

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