SQL Server Table Partitioning in Large Scale Data Warehouse 2
This post is part 2, we are focusing on design and create data process to extract, transform and load (ETL) big amount data into partitioned tables to be able to integrate to SSIS package then operate ETL process by scheduled job automatically.
In this case, we suppose transaction data with 100 columns and 100 million records need to be loaded into data warehouse from staging table. Technically, we can do partition switching from staging table (non partitioned table) to data warehouse table (partitioned table), but under the business reality, we can’t just simply do it like that, because
Source table and target table usually are in different database, it’s not able to switch data directly because of violating same file group condition by partition switching basic in part 1.
Staging table would be empty after partition switching, but the most of data transformations are applied to staging table then load final results into target table in data warehouse, so in business point of view, we can’t do partition switching from staging to target neither because big impact for entire daily, weekly or monthly data process.
There might be another question: why don’t we bulk load data from source to target or what benefits do we get from partition switching? Technically, yes, we can do bulk insert, however, for such big volume of data movement, the lead time is going to be hours (2-3 hours), if the process ran on business hours, it would cause big impact and it’s hard to tolerant by business users for critical data like transaction so from efficiency and performance perspective, we have to leverage partition switching to deliver transaction data in short period of time without interrupt BI reports, dashboard refresh and business analysis.
What is the main idea for production operation?
In order to promise transaction data is always available, we need to create a middle table to hold transaction data as source table for partition switching, we call that middle table as switch table. To satisfy all the requirements for partition switching, the switch table has to be created in as the same file group as target transaction table, identical columns, indexes, use the same partition column. We do the bulk insert from staging table to switch table then partition switch to target transaction table in data warehouse, as part 1 mentioned, this step will finish in flash as long as there is no blocking. At last, we drop switch table so the entire data process completes. Now let’s dig litter deeper on details for each steps.
Create switch table task
From part 1 table partitioning basics, we know to create partition table we need to create partition function then partition schemes to associate with partition functions, and also need to replicate all indexes from target table such as cluster index and non cluster columnstore index. To be able to let us code more reusable, we’d better encapsulate those functions into stored procedures then create a single script to call those stored procedures to finish the task.
Create partition function and scheme for switch table
Before we jump to the code some condition need to be clarified there:
Transaction table is partitioned by month
Partition column is month_key which is 6 digit integer like 202010 (Oct, 2020), 202011 (Nov, 2020)
Target table file group naming convention: [database name]_FG_[table name]_[year]
Partition function naming convention: [database name]_PF_[table name]
use business_db go createprocedure dbo.usp_makePartitionOnTable @table_name varchar(100) --target (structure source) table name ,@created_table_name varchar(100) --switch table name ,@lrang int--left range ,@rrang int--right range ,@partition_col varchar(100) = 'month_key' ,@dbname varchar(100) = 'business_db' as begin begin try declare @sp_msg varchar(max) --check input parameter value, can't be '' or NULL set @table_name = ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if (@table_name = ''or @table_name isnull) begin set @sp_msg = '@table_name is empty,check input value' goto errorProc --error capture block end set @created_table_name = ltrim(rtrim(@created_table_name)) if (@created_table_name = ''or @created_table_name isnull) begin set @sp_msg = '@create_table_name is empty, check input value' goto errorProc end set @lrang = ltrim(rtrim(@lrang)) if (@lrang = ''or @lrang isnull) begin set @sp_msg = '@lrang is empty, check input value' goto errorProc end set @rrang = ltrim(rtrim(@rrang)) if (@rrang = ''or @rrang isnull) begin set @sp_msg = '@rrang is empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if (@rrange < 100000) begin set @sp_msg = 'the boundary is out of range, check input value' goto errorProc end declare @sSQ varchar(max) ,@iRange int ,@pfName varchar(100) --partition function ,@srcpfName varchar(100) --target table partition function ,@filegropus varchar(max) ,@psName varchar(100) ,@filegroup_name varchar(100) ,@param varchar(200) ,@minrange int ,@maxrange int
set @pfName = @dbname+'_PF_'+@created_table_name set @srcpfName = @dbname+'PF'+@table_name --check if partition function exists, if not, create, if so drop for rerun declare @namevarchar(100),@yearint set @sSQL = 'use '+@dbname+'; if(exists(select name from sys.objects where OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID)='''+@created_table_name+''' and type in (''U'')))' + 'drop table dbo.'+@created_table_name print @sSQL exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL --check partition scheme set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+ '; select @name=PS.name from '+@dbname+'.sys.partition_schemes as PS inner join '+@dbname+'.sys.partition_functions as PF on PF.function_id=PS.function_id'+' where PF.name='''+@pfName+'''' print @sSQL exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, '@name varchar(100) output', @name=@spName output
if(@psName != '') begin set @sSQL = 'use '+@dbname+ '; drop partition scheme '+@psName exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL end --check partition function set @name='' set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select @name=name from '+@dbname+'.sys.partition_functions where name='''+@pfName+'''' print @sSQL exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL '@name varchar(100) output', @name=@nameoutput
if(@name != '') begin set @sSQL = 'use '+@dbname+'; drop partition function '+@pfName print @sSQL exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL end --create partition function --check if lrange is in the lrange for the src table, and rrange is in the rrange. otherwise, --add one more in left and one more in right if(@created_table_name<>@table_name) begin set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select @lrange=convert(int,min(prv.value)), @rrange=convert(int,max(pre.value))'+ ' from sys.partition_range_values as prv join sys.partition_functions as pfs'+ ' on prv.function_id=pfs.function_id '+ ' where pfs.name='''+@srcpfName+''' ' set @param = '@lrange int output, @rrange int output' print @sSQL exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, @param, @lrange=minrange output, @rrange=@maxrange output end else begin set @minrange=0 set @maxrange=0 end if(@lrange>@minrange and @rrange<@maxrange)--check the input parameter value if fall in the right range begin --month_key calculate for Jan for lrange if(@lrange%100=1) set iRange = @lrange-89 else set @iRange = @lrange-1 end else set @iRange = @lrange --set default value for @iRange if(@rrange<=@maxrange) begin if(@rrange%100=12) set @rrange=@rrange+89 else set @rrange=@rrange+1 end
set @filegroups='' set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+';'+ 'create partition function '+@pfName+'(int) as range left for values(' while(@iRange<=@rrange) begin set @filegroup_name=@dbname+'_FG_'+@table_name+'_'+convert(char(4),@year) if(convert(int, right(convert(char(6),@iRange),2))=12) set @iRange=(convert(int,left(convert(char(6),@iRange),4))+1)*100+1 else set @iRange+=1 end --last boundary if(@iRange>@rrange) begin set @sSQL=@sSQL+')' set @filegroups=@filegroups+@filegroup_name+')' end else begin set @sSQL=@sSQL+',' end end print @sSQL exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL --create partition scheme set @psName=@dbname+'_PS_'+@created_table_name set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; '+ 'create partition scheme '+@psName+ 'as partition '+@pfName+ ' to ('+@filegroups
exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL return0 end try begin catch --add some try catch statement return-1 end catch errorProc: --add some error catch statement return-1 end
Replicate target table structure (column and data type) for switch table
use business_db go createprocedure dbo.usp_getTableModel ( @dbName asvarchar(100) ,@table_name asvarchar(100) ,@create_table as varcahr(100) ,@sSQL asvarchar(max) output ) as begin declare @colTemp astable ( namevarchar(100) ,seqNo int ,IsNullable bit ,col_def varchar(max) ,data_type varchar(128) ,char_len int ,num_precs int ,num_dec int ) set @sSQL = ' select ltrim(rtrim(column_name)) as name ,ordinal_position as seqNo ,case when ltrim(rtrim(is_nullable))=''no'' then 1 else 0 end as IsNullable ,ltrim(rtrim(column_default)) as col_def ,upper(ltrim(rtrim(data_type))) as data_type ,character_maximum_length as char_len ,numeric_precision as num_precs ,numeric_scale as num_dec from '+@dbname+'.information_schema.columns where table_name=@table_name and table_catalog=@dbname'
declare @i int ,@namevarchar(100) ,@seqNo int ,@IsNullint ,@col_def varchar(max) ,@data_type varchar(100) ,@char_len int ,@num_precs int ,@num_dec int ,@maxcount int
select @maxcount = max(seqNo) from @colTemp ; select @i=min(seqNo) from @colTemp ; select @name=name ,@seqNo=seqNo ,@IsNull=IsNullable ,@col_def=col_def ,@data_type=data_typ ,@char_len=char_len ,@num_precs=num_precs ,@num_dec=num_dec from @colTemp where seqNo=@i
set @sSQL='create table '+quotename(@dbname)+'.dbo.'+quotename(@created_table) +'(' whilenot @i isNull begin set @sSQL = @sSQL + @Name set @sSQL = @sSQL+' '+@data_type if(charindex('char',lower(@date_type))>0orcharindex('var',lover(@data_type))>0) set @sSQL=@sSQL+'('+ltrim(rtrim(convert(varchar(4),@char_len)))+')' if(charindex('decimal',lower(@data_type))>0) set @sSQL = @sSQL+'('+ltrim(rtrim(convert(varchar(4),@num_precs)))+','+ ltrim(rtrim(convert(4),@num_dec)))+')' if(@col_def<>'') set @sSQL=@sSQL+' '+'default '+@col_def if(@IsNull=0) set @sSQL=@sSQL+' Null' else set @sSQL=@sSQL+' not Null' if(@i<@maxcount) set @sSQL=@sSQL+',' else set @sSQL=@sSQL+')' deletefrom @colTemp where seqNo=@i select @i=min(seqNo) from @colTemp select @name=name ,@seqNo=seqNo ,@IsNull=IsNullable ,@col_def=col_def ,@data_type=data_typ ,@char_len=char_len ,@num_precs=num_precs ,@num_dec=num_dec from @colTemp where seqNo=@i end end go
Replicate target table cluster index for switch table
we also need to clone cluster index from src (target) to switch table
use business_db go createprocedure dbo.usp_ReplicateClusterIndex @table_name varchar(100) ,@created_table varchar(100) ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin declare @i int ,@sSQL varchar(max) ,@ncount int ,@colname varchar(100) ,@nloop int ,@return_result int ,@sp_msg varchar(100) begin try set @table_name=ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if(@table_name=''or @table_name isnull) begin set @sp_msg='ended with @table_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end declare @namevarchar(100) --find out if the object exists set @sSQL = 'use '+@dbname+ '; select @name=name from sys.indexes where name=''PK_'+@created_table+'''' exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, '@name varchar(100) output', @name=@nameoutput if @name != '' begin set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; drop index PK_'+@created_table+' on dbo.'+@created_table exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL end if (@name=''or @nameisnull) begin declare @tblcol table(colID intnotnull, colNmae varchar(100) notnull) set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select b._key,''[''+c.name+'']'' from sys.indexes a join sys.index_columns b on a.object_id=b.object_id and a.index_id=b.index_id join sys.columns c on b.column_id=c.column_id and b.object_id=c.object_id where a.name=''PK_'+@table_name+''''
insertinto @tblCol exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL select @ncount=count(*) from @tblcol; select @i=min(colID) from @tblcol;
set nloop=o set @sSQL = 'use '+@dbname+ '; create clustered index PK_'+@created_table+' on '+quotename(@created_table)+'(' whilenot @i isnull begin select @colName=colName from @tblcol where colID=@i if(@nloop=0) set @sSQL=@sSQL+@colName else set @sSQL=@sSQL+', '+@colName set @nloop+=1 deletefrom @tblcol where colID=@i set @i=min(colID) from @tblcol end set @sSQL=@sSQL+')' exec @return_result=sp_executeSQL @sSQL if(return_result<0) begin --log statement return-1 end else return0 end end try begin catch --try catch block statement return-1 end catch errorProc: --error log statement return-1 end
Create partitioned switch table
Now we have all store procedures to meet partitioned table requirement, it’s time to create a script (store procedure) to integrate in order to create partitioned switch table.
use business_db go createprocedure dbo.usp_createPartitionTable @table_name varchar(100) ,@partition_col varchar(100)='month_key' ,@created_table varchar(100) ,@lrange int ,@rrange int ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin set nocount on; begin try declare @return_result int ,@sSQL varchar(max) ,sp_msg varchar(100) set @table_name=ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if(@table_name =''or @table_name isnull) begin set @sp_msg='end with @table_name is empty, check input value' goto errorProc end set @created_table =ltrim(rtrim(@created_table)) if(@created_table=''or @created_table isnull) begin set @sp_msg='end with @created_table is empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if(@lrange isnull) begin set sp_msg='end with @lrange empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if(@rrange isnull) begin set sp_msg='end with @rrange empty, check input value' goto errorProc end declare @namevarchar(100),@ps_name varchar(100) set @sSQL='select @name=name from '+quotename(@dbname)+'.sys.tables where name='''+@created_table'''' print @sSQL exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, '@name varchar(100) output', @name=@nameoutput
if(@name !='') begin set @sSQL='drop table '+quotename(@dbname)+'.dbo.'+@created_table exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL end --create partition function and scheme exec business_db.dbo.usp_makePartitionOnTable @table_name=@table_name ,@created_table_name=@created_table ,@lrange=@lrange ,@rrange=@rrange ,@partiton_col=@partition_col ,@dbname=@dbname --create swich table structure exec business_db.dbo.usp_getTableModel @dbname=@dbname ,@table_name=@table_name ,@created_table=@created_table ,@sSQL=@sSQL output set @ps_name=@dbname+'_PS_'+@created_table set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+';'+@sSQL+' on '+@ps_name+'('+@partition_col+')' print @sSQL exec sp_executedSQL @sSQL --create cluster index for switch table exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_ReplicateClusterIndex @table_name=@table_name ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end else return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statement return-1 end catch errorProc: --add some error handling statement return-1 end
Business data API
We have everything to create a partitioned table so far, the only thing left is create a data API to pass in input value in terms of business RSD (Requirement Specifics document).
use business_db go createprocedure switch_transaction as begin begin try declare @left_range int ,@right_range int ,@return_result int select top 1 @left_range=month_key from staging.dbo.transaction exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_createPartitionTable @table_name='transaction' ,@partition_col='month_key' ,@created_table='switch_transaction' ,@lrange=@left_range ,@rrange=@left_range ,@dbname='business_db' if(return_result<0) begin --add log statement return-1 end else return0 end try end
Load staging transaction data into switch table
This step, we need to prepare data for switch table in order to make partition switching later on. Because switch table is a kind of temp table and it’s not awareness by business data users, so no matter how long the loading time is, it won’t cause down time on production. For the bulk insert, the simplest and fastest way is use SSIS data flow which provides bulk load functionality.
for Data access mode option, there is drop-down list, make sure Table or view - fast load being selected.
Create columnstore index for switch table
In this step, we create columnstore index for switch table, you might ask why we don’t create it along with cluster index prior data loading? We separate columnstore index from cluster index is by its special properties, because we can’t load data with columnstore index enabled. Now let’s brief take a look at the definition by Microsoft
Columnstore indexes are the standard for storing and querying large data warehousing fact tables. This index uses column-based data storage and query processing to achieve gains up to 10 times the query performance in your data warehouse over traditional row-oriented storage. You can also achieve gains up to 10 times the data compression over the uncompressed data size. Beginning with SQL Server 2016 SP1, columnstore indexes enable operational analytics: the ability to run performant real-time analytics on a transactional workload.
A columnstore index is a technology for storing, retrieving, and managing data by using a columnar data format, called a columnstore
Obviously, we can gain a lot of performance benefits from columnstore index, but its specialty decides we have to treat it very carefully, because it costs a quite long time to build it for large data warehousing fact table.
we are going to create a stored procedure to achieve the function of building columnstore index then write another API to create columnstore index for switch table in terms of business requirement.
use business_db go createprocedure usp_createColmart @table_name varchar(100) ,@src_table varchar(100) --target table ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin declare @i int ,@sSQL varchar(max) ,@ncount int ,@colName varchar(100) ,@nloop int ,@return_result int ,@sp_msg varchar(100) begin try set @table_name=ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if(@table_name=''or @table_name isnull) begin set sp_msg='end with @table_name is empty, check the input value' goto errorProc end set @dbname=ltrim(rtrim(@dbname)) declare @namevarchar(100) set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select @name=name from sys.indexes where name=''CSI_'+@table_name+'''' exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, '@name varchar(100) output', @name=@nameoutput if(@name !='') set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; drop index CSI_'+@table_name+' on dbo.'+@table_name exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL end else declare @tblcol table(colID intnotnull, colName varchar(100) notnull) set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select c.column_id,c.name from sys.indexes a inner join sys.index_columns b on a.object_id=b.object_id and a.index_id=b.index_id inner join sys.columns c on b.object_id=c.object_id and b.column_id=c.column_id where a.is_primary_key=0 and a.is_unique=0 and a.is_unique_constraint=0 and a.name=''CSI_'+@scr_table+'''' insertinto @tblcol exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL select @ncount=count(*) from @tblcol
set @nloop=0 set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; create nonclustered columnstore index CSI_'+@table_name+' on '+ quotename(@table_name)+'(' whilenot @i isnull begin select @colName=colName from @tblcol where colID=@i if(@nloop=0) set @sSQL = @sSQL + @colName else set @sSQL=@sSQL+','+@colName set nloop+=1 deletefrom @tblcol where colID=@i select @i=min(colID) from @tblcol end set @sSQL+=')' exec @return_result=sp_executeSQL @sSQL if(@return_result<0) begin --add log statement return-1 end else return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Now, we create business data API to pass in parament value based on business requirement, in this case, we deal with transaction table
use business_db go createprocedure switch_transaction_csi as begin begin try declare @left_range int ,@right_range int ,@return_result int
exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_createColmart @table_name='switch_transaction' ,@scr_table='transaction' ,@dbname='business_db' if(@return_result<0) begin --add log statement return-1 end else return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Partition switching to load data to target table
So far we create switch table and load transaction data into it then create columnstore index, next we are going to conduct major task to switch partition from switch table to target transaction table. For code reusable and more generic scenarios, we still need do some condition checks before we jump to partition switching.
Check data in switch (staging) table is in the right range and ready to be proceeded
use business_db go createprocedure usp_IsStgDataReady ( @stgtbl_name varchar(100) ,@partition_col varchar(100)='month_key' ,@lrange int ,@urange int ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' ) as begin begin try declare @sSQL varchar(max) ,@month_key int ,@sParam varchar(100) ,@rangeint ,@sp_msg varchar(100)
set @stgtbl_name=ltrim(rtrim(@stgtbl_name)) if(@stgtbl_name=''or @stgtbl_name isnull) begin set sp_msg='end up with @stgtbl_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end set @partition_col=ltrim(rtrim(@partition_col)) if(@partition_col=''or @partition_col isnull) begin set @sp_msg='end up with @partition_col empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if(notlen(convert(char(6),@urange))=6) begin set sp_msg='end up with @urange is out of range, check input value' goto errorProc end set @range=@lrange while @range <= @urange begin set @sParam='@month_keyOut int output' set @sSQL='select top 1 @month_keyOut='+@partition_col+ ' from'+@dbname+'.dbo.'+@stgtbl_name+'where'+@partition_key+ ' ='+convert(varchar(6),@range) exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL,@sParam,@month_keyOUt=@month_key output if(@month_key!=@rangeor @month_key isnull) begin set @sp_msg='data for '+convert(char(6),@range)+' not ready for loading' return-1 end if(right(convert(char(6),@range),2)='12') begin set @range=convert(int,(left(convert(char(6),@range),4)+1))*100+1 else set @range+=1 end return0 end end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Check up target table partition
From previous post about table partitioning basics, the last requirement for partition switching is partition in target table must be empty, so it’s necessary to check whether target table partition has data in it, if it’s empty, that is good and we are ready to do the partition switching, but in production environment, we usually need to handle more complicated situations like rerun after job failed so definitely have to take it into account when target partition has data and deal with it. Firstly, let’s check target partition:
use business_db go createprocedure IsPartitionLoaded @table_name ,@partition_col varchar(100)='month_key' ,@rangeint ,@ret int=0output ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin begin try declare @sSQL varchar(max) ,@sParam varchar(100) ,@monthKey int ,@sp_msg varchar(100) set @table_name=ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if(@table_name=''or @table_name isnull) begin set sp_msg='end up with @table_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end set @partition_col=ltrim(rtrim(@partition_col)) if(@partition_col=''or @partition_col isnull) begin set sp_msg='end up with @partition_col empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if(isnumeric(@range)!=1ornot(len(convert(char(8),@range))=6)) begin set @sp_msg='end up with @range out of range, check input value' goto errorProc end set @ret=1--target partition has data set sParam='@retOut int output' begin set @sSQL='select top 1 @retOut='+@partition_col+' from '+'.dbo.'+@table_name+ 'where '+@partition_col+' ='+convert(char(6),@range) exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, @sParam, @retOut=@monthKey output end if (@monthKey isnullor @monthkey='') begin set @ret=0--target partition is empty return0 end return0 end try begin catch set @ret = -1 --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: set @ret = -1 --error handling statement return-1 end
Get proper partition numbers for source (switch) and target table
Let’s first handle ideal key which is empty in target partition, the last preparation we have to know is find out proper partition number on both source and target sides so that we are able to switch to right target partition.
use business_db go createprocedure usp_getPatitionNum @pf_name varchar(100) ,@rangeint ,@pn intoutput ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin begin try declare @sp_msg varchar(100) set @pf_name=ltrim(rtrim(@pf_name)) if(@pf_name=''or @pf_name isnull) begin set sp_msg='end up with @pf_name is empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if((not isnumeric(@range)=1)or (@range<100000)) begin set sp_msg='end up with @range is out of range, check input value' goto errorProc end declare @sParam varchar(100) ,@sSQL varchar(max)
if @range<10000000 set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select @pnOut=$PARTITION.'+@pf_name+'('+convert(char(6),@range)+')' set @sParam='@pnOut int output' exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, @sParam, @pnOut=@pn output return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Partition switching
Now, it’s time for us to switch partition to target table
use business_db go createprocedure usp_switchPartition @srctbl_name varchar(100) ,@destbl_name varchar(100) ,@src_pn int=0 ,@des_pn int=0 ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin declare @pn int ,@sSQL varchar(max) ,@sParam varchar(100) ,@ncount int ,@sp_msg varchar(100) begin try set @srctbl_name=ltrim(rtrim(@srctbl_name)) if(@srctbl_name=''or @srctbl_name isnull) begin set sp_msg='end up with @srctbl_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end set @destbl_name=ltrim(rtrim(@destbl_name)) if(@destbl_name=''or @srctbl_name isnull) begin set sp_msg='end up with @destbl_name empty, check input value' end set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; alter table '+@dbname+'.dbo.'+quotename(@srctbl_name) if(@src_pn>0) set @sSQL=@sSQL+' switch partition '+convert(char(4),@src_pn) else set @sSQL=@sSQL+' switch ' if(@des_pn > 0) set @sSQL=@sSQL+' to'+@dbname+'.dbo.' + quotename(@destbl_name)+' partition ' + convert(char(4),@des_pn) else set @sSQL=@sSQL+' to '+@dbname+'.dbo.' + quotename(#destbl_name) exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Clean the switch table after partition switching
The switch table is going to be empty after partition switching so it’s useless now and can be drop from database as well as partition function and scheme
use business_db go createprocedure usp_cleanTable @table_name varchar(100) ,@partition_col varchar(100)='month_key' ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin begin try declare sp_msg varchar(100) set @table_name=ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if(@table_name=''or @table_name isnull) begin set sp_msg='end up with @table_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end declare @sSQL varchar(max) ,@constraint_name varchar(100) ,@return_result int ,@pf_name varchar(100) ,@ps_name varchar(100) @namevarchar(100)
set @pf_name=@dbname+'_PF_'+@table_name set @ps_name=@dbname+'_PS_'+@table_name --drop table set @name='' set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select @name=name from sys.tables where name='''+@table_name+'''' exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, '@name varchar(100) output',@name=@nameoutput if(@name!='') begin set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; drop table dbo.'+@table_name exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL --drop partition scheme set @name='' set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select @name=name from sys.partition_schemes where name='''+@ps_name+'''' exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, '@name varchar(100) output', @name=@nameoutput if(@name!='') begin set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; drop partition scheme'+@ps_name exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL end --drop partition function set @name='' set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; select @name=name from sys.partition_functions where name='''+@pf_name+'''' exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL, '@name varchar(100) output', @name=@nameoutput if(@name!='') begin set @sSQL='use '+@dbname+'; drop partition function'+@ps_name exec sp_executeSQL @sSQL end end return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Swap data out of target partition to temp table
A special stored procedure is needed to switch data out of target partition if there would be data in there.
use business_db go createprocedure dbo.unloadData @table_name varchar(100) ,@tempTbl varchar(100) ,@rangeint, ,@partition_col varchar(100)='month_key' ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin begin try declare @pn int ,@pnd int ,@return_result int ,@filegroup_name varchar(100) ,@pf_name varchar(100) ,@isRead int ,@sp_msg varchar(100) ,@ps_name varchar(100)
set @table_name=ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if(@table_name=''or @table_name isnull) begin set @sp_msg='end up with @table_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if(not isnumeric(@range)=1or @range<100000) begin set @sp_msg='end up with @range out of range, check input value' goto errorProc end set @pf_name=@dbname+'_PF_'+@table_name --get src table partition exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_getPatitionNum @pf_name=@pf_name ,@range=@range ,@pn=@pn output ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end if(@tempTbl='') set @tempTbl='Temp_'+@table_name --get des table partition set @pf_name=@dbname+'_PF_'+@tempTbl exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_getPatitionNum @pf_name=@pf_name ,@range=@range ,@pn=@pnd output ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end --swap data out from target partition to temp table exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_switchPartition @srctbl_name=@table_name ,@destbl_name=@tempTbl ,@src_pn=@pn ,@des_pn=@pnd ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Control console script to integrate all functions
We are now all set so it’s time to integrate all those stored procedure into one control console to implement the partition switching task.
use business_db go createprocedure dbo.usp_switchData @scrtable_name varchar(100) ,@table_name varchar(100) ,@lrange int ,@urange int ,@partiton_col varchar(100)='month_key' ,@dbname varchar(100)='business_db' as begin begin try declare @sp_msg varchar(100) --check input values set @srctable_name=ltrim(rtrim(@srctable_name)) if(@srctable_name=''or @srctable_name isnull) begin set @sp_msg='end up with @srctable_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end set @table_name=ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) if(@table_name=''or @table_name isnull) begin set @sp_msg='end up with @table_name empty, check input value' goto errorProc end if((not isnumeric(@lrange)=1) or (@lrange < 100000)) begin set sp_msg='end up with @lrange out of range, check input value' goto errorProc end if(@urange=0) set @urange=@lrange set @partition_col=ltrim(rtrim(@partition_col)) --declare local variables declare @sSQ varchar(max) ,@check_constraint varchar(100) ,@pf_name varchar(100) ,@ps_name varchar(100) ,@staging_pf_name varchar(100) ,@staging_ps_name varchar(100) ,@filegroup_name varchar(100) ,@desfilegroup_name varchar(100) ,@range_count int ,@rangeint ,@sParam varchar(100) ,@ret int ,@pn int ,@pn_staging int ,@index_name varchar(100) ,@return_result int ,@destbl_lrange int --set values set @pf_name=@dbname+'_PF_'+@table_name set @ps_name=@dbname+'_PS_'+table_name set @staging_pf_name=@dbname+'_PF_'+srctable_name set @staging_pf_name=@dbname+'_PS_'+srctable_name set @range=@lrange set @range_count=0 set @pn_staging=0 --check if switch table data is ready for the range from @lrange to @urange exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_IsStgDataReady @stgtbl_name=@srctable_name ,@partition_col=@partiton_col ,@lrange=@lrange ,@urange=urange ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end --begin while loop transaction declare @tempTbl varchar(100) set @temTbl='Temp'+@table_name set @range=@lrange while @range<=@urange begin set @range_count+=1 --check if data is in target partition set @ret=0 exec return_result=business_db.dbo.IsPartitionLoaded @table_name=@table_name ,@partition_col=@partition_col ,@range=@range ,@ret=@ret output ,@dbname=@dbname if(@ret=1) begin --create temp table to hold swapped data exec @return_result=busienss_db.dbo.usp_createPartitionTable @table_name=@table_name ,@partition_col=@partition_col ,@created_table=@tempTbl ,@lrange=@lrange ,@rrange=@urange ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end --create columnstore index for temTbl exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_createColmart @table_name=temTbl ,@scr_table=@table_name ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end --swap data to temp table exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_unloadData @table_name=@table_name ,@tempTbl=@tempTbl ,@range=@range ,@partition_col=@partition_col ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end --get partition number from destination table exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_getPatitionNum @pf_name=@pf_name ,@range=range ,@pn=@pn output ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end --get partition number from switch table exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_getPatitionNum @pf_name=@staging_pf_name ,@range=range ,@pn=@pn_staging output ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end --partition switching from switch to target partition exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_switchPartition @srctbl_name=@src_name ,@destbl_name=@table_name ,@src_pn=@pn_staging ,@des_pn@pn ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end if(@yearload_flag=0) begin if(right(convert(char(6),@range),2)='12') set @range=(convert(int,left(convert(6),@range)4))+1)*100+1 else set @range+=1 end else set @range+=100 end --drop temp table exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_cleanTable @table_name=@tempTbl ,@partition_col=@partition_col ,@dbname=@dbname if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end end return0 end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
Business data API for final transaction partition switching
All in all, we are going to integrate all encapsulated stored procedures into one data API to take input parameter value from outside then accomplish the task which is partition switch transaction data 100mm records in flash.
use business_db go createprocedure transaction_partition_switch as begin begin try declare @month_key int ,@return_result int
select top 1 @month_key=month_key from staging.dbo.transaction exec @return_result=business_db.dbo.usp_switchData @scrtable_name='switch_transaction' ,@table_name='transaction' ,@lrange=@month_key ,@urange=0 ,@partition_col='month_key' ,@yearload_flag=0 ,@dbname='business_db' if(@return_result<0) begin --add some log statement return-1 end end try begin catch --add try catch block statment return-1 end catch errorProc: --error handling statement return-1 end
A sub-process of partition switching for error handling and restatement in production
[In previous chapter](Get proper partition numbers for source (switch) and target table), we talk about the ideal case which is there is no data or empty in target partition, but in real production environment, situation is more complicated, some unpredicted event might cause data process failed or business redefined some data elements so that reprocess and restatement is necessary, in those cases, the target partition usually has data in it, that is the thing we have to deal with.
The approach is the same, partition switching will help us out. The main idea is to create another partition temp table with the same table structure, partition column and index setting as target table in the same file group then swap data out of target partition to temp table counterpart partition, finally drop the temp table and it’s partition function and scheme.
Above, we go through the whole solution on how to apply SQL table partitioning technic to implement partition switching in real ETL process so that we can easily to schedule it run on regular basis, I believe process automation is a valuable AI technic for business operation, because the best use-case for AI projects will reduce costs, reduce risk and improve profits. more often than not, the best results are seen from implementing AI to handle the small, repetitive tasks that businesses do on a daily basis.